About Us

Crafting Digital Excellence: The Nexvato Story

Born from a blend of pioneering spirits and expert skills, Nexvato stands at the forefront of digital innovation. Founded by Daltry and Jon, two visionaries with a shared passion for technological and creative solutions, Nexvato embodies a commitment to superior web design, digital marketing, and transformative technology.

Our journey, rooted in extensive experience and a knack for overcoming challenges, has shaped us into leaders in digital transformation. At Nexvato, we don’t just build websites or market brands; we craft bespoke digital experiences that drive success and set new industry standards.

Our Culture

Embarking on a New Journey: Rooted in Rich Experience

At Nexvato, our culture thrives on innovation, creativity, and collaboration. We’ve fostered an environment where ideas flow freely, challenges are embraced as opportunities, and every team member contributes to our collective success. Our approach blends the expertise of seasoned professionals with the fresh perspectives of emerging talents, creating a dynamic workspace that encourages growth and learning.

We believe in thinking big, working hard, and maintaining a balance that nurtures both professional and personal well-being. This culture is not just about achieving results; it’s about building a community of forward-thinkers dedicated to reshaping the digital landscape.

Our History

From Vision to Reality: The History of Nexvato

The story of Nexvato is a testament to the power of vision, determination, and expertise. It began with the coming together of two driven individuals, Daltry and Jon, each bringing a wealth of diverse experiences and a shared passion for digital excellence. Daltry’s journey, marked by a deep understanding of sales, business development, and creative design, complemented Jon’s extensive skills in web development and technology.

Their paths crossed at WebJoint, where they achieved remarkable success in the cannabis delivery software domain, shaping it into the largest delivery logistics company in the industry. This experience was a pivotal moment, igniting the idea to harness their collective skills for a broader impact.

Nexvato was born out of this ambition – to create a digital agency that goes beyond conventional web design and marketing, offering innovative solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. Over the years, Nexvato has grown, not just in size but in capabilities, constantly adapting and evolving with the ever-changing digital landscape.

Our history is not just a record of growth; it’s a narrative of overcoming challenges, pioneering new solutions, and setting benchmarks in the digital world. From small beginnings to becoming a leader in digital transformation, Nexvato’s history is a reflection of our commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering unparalleled digital experiences.